Drug Lawyer
Possession of a small amount of marijuana (less than 10 grams) is a misdemeanor. However, most drug charges are felonies and could result in substantial fines and jail time.
If the drug possession or sale is within 1,500 feet of a school, church, public park, or a movie theater (or if a firearm is in possession at the time of a drug arrest) the court may double the fine and the sentence. As a result of strict sentencing guidelines, drug convictions account for a significant part of the increase in Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) admissions over the past 10 years.
In addition to a long jail sentence, any felony conviction will make it difficult to find employment in the future. Even misdemeanor convictions for possession of a small amount of marijuana will be on your criminal record and can be viewed by prospective employers.
If your child is convicted of a drug charge, he or she will not be able to obtain any government student aid, loans, or grants for one year for a first conviction or two years for a second conviction. To preserve your liberty and your future, you need a drug defense attorney who is willing to fight for you. Contact The Law Offices of Stephen J. Feldman today to schedule your free confidential consultation!

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“I believe that every case is important and will work hard on your behalf to win it.”
– Stephen J. Feldman.